Beautification, Conservation, Education
We're happy you are here!

Take a look at our illustrated and expanded Awards Booklet with all of the GCG, Deep South and National Garden Club awards for 2024.

The Year of Conventions
For Garden Club Members, we are calling this the year of conventions. To learn more about our GCG State Convention as well as the Deep South Convention and the National Garden Club Convention, visit the Conventions Page where you will also be able to register to attend these events.
Spring Fundraiser
Garden Gateways
The Winter 2024-2025 edition of Garden Gateways is now available to read online. Enjoy all of this great colorful issue. Mailed copies should have arrived to your mailbox.
Click on the button below to see current issue. To see previous issues beginning summer 2023, visit Publications

Landscape Design Newsletter
Come dig into the Basics of Landscape Design
Landscape Design Newsletter Editor, Suzanne Finger is a Georgia-grown, registered Landscape Architect. This four-part series, Landscape Design 101, explores aspects of Landscape Design.
- Issue 1:Â Functionality in the landscape
- Issue 2:Â Key ingredients for a landscaper design with good bones
- Issue 3: Plant Selection for outstanding performance in your landscape
- Issue 4: Tips for creating timeless, enjoyable home landscapes
For savvy design tips and a few chuckles, visit Publications
Environmental Newsletter
Protecting Pollinators Chair, Annelle Moore
Article: Winter Habitat for Beneficial Insects? by Terry Johnson, visit Publications
Article: I Admire Butterflies by Terry Johnson, visit Publications
Article: The Great Southeast Pollinator Census by Becky Griffin, visit Publications