Subscribing Membership Information Sheet
Subscribing Membership Certificate

Subscribing Membership

Want to make sure your garden club fans and supporters know what your club is doing? Purchase a Subscribing Membership for them.

A Subscribing Member is committed to our mission of Beautification, Conservation and Education but may not want the necessity of becoming a member of a garden club. A Subscribing Member is eligible to participate in all programs and events available to general membership and will receive a copy of the quarterly publication Garden Gateways and other GCG information but does not have the privilege of a vote on GCG matters. And, your club and district get credit for adding these members!

Dues for this program are $25 per year. Renewal reminders will be sent prior to membership expiration to the person or club sponsoring the Subscribing Member. You can also print a letter and Certificate to send to the new Subscribing Member to welcome them.

Need more info?


Arianne Knowlton
Headquarters House Office Manager
Garden Club of Georgia, Inc
2450 S. Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605-1674