2025 Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail Spring Symposium and Native Plant Sale

2025 Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail Spring Symposium and Native Plant Sale


May 2, 2025

Plains, Georgia

Join us for the annual spring symposium in Miss Rosalynn’s hometown of Plains, Georgia. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Allan Armitage, well known writer, speaker, and horticulturist.  Enjoy other informative speakers as well as a plant sale.  Registration information and details to follow.  Watch the rosalynncarterbutterflytrail.org/events website for more information and registration.

Dr. Allan Armitage is a well-known writer, speaker, and horticulturist. Born and raised in Quebec and Ontario, he later lived in East Lansing, MI and now resides in Athens, GA. He has worked with landscape plants and greenhouse crops in the North and South and travels the world speaking and sharing his passion for plants. Armitage holds his B.Sc from McGill University in Montreal, his M.Sc. from University of Guelph, and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University.

A man in blue shirt and hat pruning flowers.
Dr. Allan Armitage