Headquarters House
The first garden club in America was organized in Athens in 1891. Having built our home on the red clay and solid granite rock of the Georgia Piedmont, we are inspired to live out the Garden Club of Georgia’s motto, Beautification, Conservation, and Education.
Construction on the current Headquarters House began in January, 1997. The building is situated on the highest elevation at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. Dedication took place on October 6, 1998.
Smith Dalia Architects specified low-e glazing windows, passive natural ventilation, natural daylighting, and exterior building wrap to eliminate air filtration. Oriented to face east, the building showcases an imposing staircase on the interior north side of the building. The impressive Board Room on the upper level offers spectacular views into the surrounding hardwood treetops.
Robinson Fisher Associates of Athens, Georgia provided the landscape architecture. Robinson Fisher previously designed the lovely Day Chapel landscape, which is close by on the grounds of the State Botanical Garden. The Headquarters House landscape includes a circular drive for passenger drop-off at the formal front entry. The front landscaped area features a broad brick walkway leading from the drop-off to the front portico. Flanking the walkway are panels of lawn, framed with brick edging, perennial flowers, flowering shrubs including Fothergilla, Summersweet Clethra, and Loropetalum, and trees including 'Little Gem' Magnolia, 'October Glory' Red Maple, Persian Ironwood, and Fringetree. Adjoining the rear terrace is a lovely garden honoring Deen Day Sanders, former Garden Club of Georgia President and former National Garden Clubs National President.
The neoclassical building encompasses 9,705 square feet and overlooks the Heritage Garden and the Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum of the State Botanical Garden. Smith Dalia architects of Atlanta, designed the plans and oversaw constructions. Smith Dalia also designed the nearby Day Chapel at the State Botanical Garden.
There are two levels to the building. The primary level is entered through an imposing entry hall leading to a formal reception room, a dining room, a board room, an archive housing our history, a 200+ title reference library and GCG’s administrative office. Each area of this floor is enhanced with exceptional architectural details including extensive custom millwork. Historical and Decorative Arts students at the University of Georgia find the historical furnishings and appointments an opportunity for study. Fine period furniture, moved from the former Headquarters building on UGA’s main campus, along with many new acquisitions fill the upper level., Virginia White, ASID, of Atlanta, Georgia, worked closely with the architects to create the elegant interiors.
The lower level features a multi-purpose Terrace Room, a unique ballroom/ meeting space known for its elegant decor and appointments custom created to reflect GCG’s mission. This room opens onto an expansive brick terrace overlooking a landscaped garden and pathway leading to the Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum. Its beauty and location distinguish it as one of the finest wedding reception sites in the area. The Terrace Room can seat up to 140 for dinner and larger numbers for lectures, receptions, and exhibitions. A large, well equipped catering kitchen adjoins the room.
In addition to providing an ideal venue for receptions and formal dinners, the Terrace Room is the perfect setting for business meetings, conferences, and corporate retreats. The room offers state-of-the-art audio and video equipment, including an electronic projection screen and room-darkening capabilities for the purpose of media viewing. Weather permitting, this lovely terrace can accommodate overflow of guests from the Terrace Room.
An elevator and a staircase connect the upper and lower floors of the building. The lower level is accessible for those with mobility issues and for catering access.
The Terrace Room is available for rental through the State Botanical Garden. Download Terrace Room Info and Floor Plan and the SBG Rental Policy. For additional information 0n rentals please contact the State Botanical Garden Rental Office at [email protected] or 706-542-6467. You may also contact the GCG office at 706-227-5369 or by email at [email protected].