Floral Design
Basic Design I & II: At Home With Flowers is taught by certified instructors in various locations in Georgia.
This course consists of a series of five daylong classes spaced a few weeks apart.
Unit I is a study of line and line mass designs. Basic design principles are taught, and students complete designs that are critiqued at the end of the class. Unit II covers mass and foliage designs, with the addition of color harmonies. Unit III involves table designs made with components brought by the students. with the students bringing coordinating table components to go with their floral design work. Unit IV uses fruits and vegetables with featured objects. Unit V is the last and most challenging course. It is a study of creative design making use of pieces of driftwood, unusual containers and plant material. Also miniature designs are studied in this unit.
Any garden club, council or other organization can sponsor this course in a suitable locale of their choosing.
The Basic Design II Course builds on the skills developed in the first series. Completion of Basic Design I is a prerequisite. This course, also, is a series of five daylong classes spread out over time. This series combines a morning lecture and demonstration followed by lunch and an afternoon hands on workshop. Students will apply what they learned in the morning session by creating their own design and receiving a critique from the instructor. Classes can be taken independently from one another in any order. Completion of all five classes is required to receive a Certificate
Want to start a Basic Design Class?
Instructor's Agreement Form for Basic Design I
Instructor's Agreement Form for Basic Design II
Enrollment is kept to 20 or fewer to provide for individual attention. A typical class will begin with the instructor giving information about the type of design, making several designs as a demonstration, and answering questions. After a lunch break, participants create a design with help from the instructor, and display their design for constructive comments from the instructor.
A supply list is provided for each course ahead of time. There are no tests or exams given; however, upon the completion of the series the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. awards a certificate to each participant who completes all five units of study in each level
Contact Basic Design State Chairman
Edna McClellan