Gardening School
GCG offers NGC designed gardening schools to help members become better horticulturists with a series of courses on basic gardening topics.
You'll learn how to grow a better tree, plant for pollinators and the secrets of integrated pest control, among others. These are all taught by extension agents, agronomists, and other experts from your area of the state.
The NGC Gardening School Courses are designed to provide educational information to those especially interested in gardening, horticulture and related subjects.
The School consists of a series of four courses, scheduled usually for two days of instruction, including exams on some of the topics. Courses cover all aspects of growing, from understanding soil structure to pruning techniques, plant identification, etc. Topics include basic botany, soils, growing annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs, fruits and vegetables, lawns, pests and diseases of plants, plant classification, and selected subjects of local interest.
Additional topics and areas of interest that may be covered are subjects such as Reconciliation Ecology (the science of inventing, establishing, and maintaining new habitats in places where people live, work, and play), and creating backyard habitats to help endangered species such as pollinators and amphibians.
The courses are intended primarily for garden club members, but they are also open to the general public, requiring only the payment of a nominal fee. Courses may be sponsored by member clubs, groups of clubs, Districts and State Garden Clubs. Garden club members completing the series of four courses are awarded the designation of NGC Gardening Consultant. Attendees from the general public may attain Consultant status by joining a garden club during the school series or shortly after completion. See this page for course offerings.
Click here for a description of the NGC Gardening School.
Watch an NGC video about Gardening School
Interested in attending or sponsoring a Gardening School?
Contact Chairman:
Vicki Jones
222 Tatum Ridge Rd. SW
Cartersville, GA 30120