A group of people sitting at tables with laptops.
Flower Show School Course I, August, 2022.

Landscape Design School

Learn the history of Landscape Design along with tools to help you design landscapes.

Professional landscape architects and designers expose you to the history of domestic, urban and public architecture. You'll learn how to complete a landscape plan along with current trends in planting with natives, de-emphasizing lawns and landscaping for wildlife. After successful completion, you will be an NGC certified Landscape Consultant.

Click here for a description of the NGC Landscape Design School. 

Watch an NGC video about Landscape Design School

For More Information Contact:  Gale D. Thomas, Education Chairman, schoolregistrar@gardenclubofgeorgia.org or 404-790-7101, Betty Davis as listed below. 

You'll learn how to grow a better tree, plant for pollinators and the secrets of integrated pest control, among others. These are all taught by extension agents, agronomists, and other experts from your area of the state.  

Interested in attending or sponsoring a Landscape Design School?

Contact Chairman:

Betty Davis

[email protected]