Making a Difference

Recently the Columbus Council of Garden Clubs (CCGC) contributed two $1000 donations to local nonprofit community organizations whose missions align with NGC and GCG. The historic Wynn House (photo above) provides educational, cultural, and intellectual activities and programs benefiting the community and serves as the Columbus Council of Garden Clubs meeting facility, as well as local community groups. Currently the Wynn House is undergoing extensive renovations together with plans to supplement and enhance the existing gardens with native plantings. Colonel Wynn built this Greek Revival home between 1838-39. In 1852, Henry Hurt bought the house, enlarged it, and added marble fireplaces. He sold it in 1855 to Hines Holt. The house is on the National Register of Historical Sites. Additionally, the Mercy Med Health Services provides a multitude of healthcare services, classes, and programs to those in need and serves the local community thru an urban farm and farmer’s market at their location. This donation will be used to purchase a paper pot transplanter and a seeder to enable rapid row transplant of seedlings and seed sowing to assist in efficient, effective vegetable planting.
This past fall, the Columbus Council of Garden Clubs allocated $5000 for gifts of $1000 each to five community non-profits for enhancing or supplementing their existing gardens. Recipients are The Wynn House, where our CCGC meetings are held, Merci Med Farm, which provides nutritional produce at an affordable price to the needy in our area, Columbus Hospice for entry way beautification, Columbus City Museum Olmsted Garden for additional plantings, and Trees Columbus, for supplying new plantings to the tree canopy at Lake Bottom Park.

A group of women standing under a sign.Photo: CCGC members presenting a check to Keith Sims, Merci Med Farm director. Recipients are very appreciative and have been asked to provide us with updates on the selections. It is a goal of CCGC to continue in a like manner to use funds for our beatification, education and conservation Garden Club, Inc. mission. Barbara Stewart, President, Columbus Council of Garden Clubs.