Garden Week ideas
Rose and Dahlia Garden Club, Azalea District, prepared a clever display for Garden Week in Georgia


Let your fellow clubs know the fabulous work you're doing. Apply for one or more of the nearly 90 awards recognizing club's  and members' work each year. Many awards are categorized by size of club. Check out the links below for more information.

GCG Awards Guide 2023-2025 

2024-2025 Awards Application Form

Flower Show Award Application Form  

Here are some sample Award applications to help you fill our your application.

Sample Application for 4 Bird Ball Ground Anetsa-Ga-Da

Sample Application for Award 61 Arbor Day GA Hiawassee GC

Sample Application for Award 51 Butterfly Conservation Cherokee Council of Garden Clubs

Sample Application for Award 14 Horticulture Achievement The Landings GC


Contact Awards Chairman:

Diana Malone

129 Hannah Drive

Jesup, Georgia 31546

Phone: 770-490-7417