New Club Support
Starting a new garden club is easier than you think. There are many ideas to get you going including financial incentives for new clubs. We also make it easy for non-affiliated clubs to join us as well. Our New Club Support Chairman is here to help.
We’re encouraging member clubs to help start new clubs and District Co-Directors (membership) to closely support these clubs for at least 3 years. We want to showcase our networking opportunities and share information on all of our programs. A strong relationship with the district is vital.
Note to existing clubs, District Directors, District Councils/Federations, and State Chairmen on how to extend a helping hand to new clubs:
- · Be the conduit to funnel information and be of assistance.
- · Invite new club members to attend established club meetings.
- · Help with bylaws, standing rules, and annual budget. Examples are available upon request.
- · Encourage new club members to attend District Board meetings, NGC/GCG Schools, and workshops in the area.
- · Encourage new club members to attend the annual spring GCG Convention.
- · If possible, help with one award application to become familiar with GCG awards program.
- · Stay in communication and offer New Club Incentives.
Both the District and the State are happy to help support new clubs with incentives.
New Club Incentives
The Garden Club of Georgia will offer grants of up to $100 per fiscal year to a new club for the first 2 years of their existence to help defray the cost of providing programs, including speakers or materials necessary for those programs. New clubs must request these funds using the New Club Grant Application. Grant monies to come from the GCG General Fund.
The Garden Club of Georgia will offer Presidents of a new club (or one Club Representative if the President cannot attend) a 50% reduction in the fees for meals and registration for the Annual District Meeting and the State Annual Convention/Meeting for the first year the new club is in existence. This will be by invitation from the District Co-Director. The printed general registration form will not reflect any discount. The reduction in registration/meals revenue due to this discount will be paid for with money from the GCG General Fund and not be expected to be absorbed by the Convention Committee.
Annual Club dues paid by March 1st of every year are $10 per active, inactive, or honorary member who pays dues to a member club. If a new club registers mid-year (September - December) dues are $5
Need help approaching a new club?
Contact GCG New Club Support Chairman:
Leanne Penman
2191 Sugar Valley Ln
Lawrenceville GA 30043
[email protected]