Rose and Dahlia, Azalea, supports Athens area Habitat for Humanity with hard work and significant donations.
Habitat for Humanity
GCG encourages all clubs and districts to work with their local offices of Habitat for Humanity to locate homes in need of beautification landscape projects. Clubs can do plantings, provide gardening tools and supplies, and educate new homeowners on the care and maintenance of their new landscaping. Please consider working on a Habitat for Humanity project in your community. Find more information at the National Garden Clubs, Inc. website: https://gardenclub.org/blog/habitat-humanity-landscaping .
Founded in Americus, Georgia in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has helped build, renovate and repair more than 1 million decent, affordable houses, sheltering more than 5 million people worldwide. Their mission is to "put God's love into action by building homes, communities, and hope." Prospective homeowners work side-by-side with volunteers, revealing the positive attitude, determination, and work ethic that is vital to success.