A group of people sitting on chairs in front of flags.
The Garden Club of Georgia dedicated blue and gold star markers at the Franklin County Courthouse on Veterans Day 2021. A. Thiese
A group of people posing together for a picture
St. Mary's garden club showed their support of the military with this dedication at the St. Mary's Welcome Center.
A green sign with the words blue star memorial highway.
Pooler Garden Club restored and rededicated this blue star marker at the I-95 Georgia Welcome Center. A. Thiese

Blue Star, Gold Star, Historical Markers

The Blue Star and Gold Star became an icon in World War II and was seen on flags and banners hanging in the windows of homes signifying that sons and daughters were away at war. The flags were also displayed in churches and businesses. The Blue Star was displayed on the flag for those serving. If the service member died because of his or her service, the Blue Star was replaced with a Gold Star. The program has continued all through the years to the present.

The Blue Star Memorial Marker Program honors all men and women, past, present, and future, who serve in the United States Armed Services. The program began with the planting of 8,000 Dogwood trees by the New Jersey Council of Garden Clubs in 1944, as a living memorial to veterans of World War II. In 1945, the National Council of State Garden Clubs (now National Garden Clubs, Inc.) adopted the program and began a Blue Star Highway system that covers thousands of miles across the Continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. A large metal Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker was designed by a former National Garden Club President to be placed at appropriate locations along the way. The Marker states “A tribute to the Armed Forces who have defended the United States of America”.

Today the program has been expanded to include all men and women who have served, are serving or will serve in the Armed Services of the United States. Memorial Markers and By-Way markers have been added, along with the Highway Markers that can be placed at locations such as National Cemeteries, Veterans’ facilities, Parks, and Civic locations.

Since the program's inception in 1944, garden clubs have dedicated well over 3500 markers along U.S. highways, at National Cemeteries, Veterans’ facilities, Parks, and Civic locations. To date Georgia has over 175 markers throughout the state and garden clubs continue to sponsor and support this very worthwhile project. The program continues as a fitting tribute to the members of our U.S. Armed Forces.

In May 2015 a Gold Star Families Marker was added to the program. The marker has a gold star in place of the blue star and states “A tribute to Gold Star Families Who Have Lost a Loved One Defending the United States of America”. The Gold Star Families Mission is to offer honor, hope and healing through remembering fallen heroes. While their hero paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, survivors live daily with the pain of the sacrifice. The Gold Star Families Marker lets them know that their sacrifice and their loved one will not be forgotten.

Since the Marker program's inception, garden clubs have sponsored and dedicated over 3,500 Blue Star Highway, Memorial and Byway Markers throughout the United States. Georgia has over 175 Blue Star Markers throughout the state and several additional dedications planned for 2024. At this time there are 14 Gold Star Families Markers in the state, again with additional markers and dedications being planned.

Georgia Garden Clubs have been very supportive of the program by raising money to continue sponsoring markers throughout our state. Click here for additional information about the program and for order forms.

Alan Thiese publishes a blog that contains photos of Blue and Gold Star Marker dedications. Click on the link here to view.

Because these Markers honor our nation’s heroes, Garden Clubs are encouraged to inspect older markers and if needed, have it restored. The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. offers a grant to the seven districts and member clubs/councils for the restoration of Blue Star Markers. Click here for a grant application and more information.

Sewah Studios implemented a new price structure for the markers as of January 1, 2024.

BLUE STAR and GOLD STAR Marker Pricing as of January 1, 2024:






RESTORATION (If done by Sewah Studios -Must be shipped to Sewah) 1200.00


On site restoration is available by Thomas Stelling, who owns Historical Markers.

Contact Mr. Stelling at (386) 299-7841 for pricing and/or to schedule a restoration.

Any other questions or to place an order please contact:

Janice (Jan) Thiese – Chairman – Blue Star and Gold Star Marker Program

The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.

128 Weatherby Drive

Macon, GA 31210

Cell: (478) 319-4234

Email: [email protected]

Blue and Gold Star Markers by District

These Blue and Gold Star Marker Lists are, to the best of my knowledge, updated to December 9, 2023. If anyone knows of an issue, please contact me. It is my goal to present accurate information regarding the markers. Thank you.

Jan Thiese

Blue Star & Gold Star Markers Chairman

District I Laurel

District II Azalea

District III Oleander

District IV Camellia

District V Magnolia

District VI Dogwood

District VII Redbud

Marker Totals By District