Junk food wrappers help make a dapper sculpture.
Youth Sculpture Contest
Encouraging fun and Creative Ways to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
NGC and GCG encourage youth to keep our planet green and get involved with saving our environment with this very creative contest. Entries are due January 1st.
Contest Rules
- Children in 4th grade through 8th grades will be eligible to enter the contest.
- Sculptures must consist of recyclable, reused and reduced materials.
- The sculpture is limited to a size that would fit on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. Height should be proportional to width.
- Click here for details and Entry Form.
- Entries should include as many photographs as can be printed on the back of the entry form but two different 4X6 photographs are recommended.
- NGC Youth Sculpture contest winners may be asked to submit a high quality photo of their entry to be used on the NGC website and in other NGC publications.
- Club entries should be submitted to the State Chairman before or no later than January 1.
- Please email the completed entry form with photo(s) to:
Judy Johnson, GCG Youth Sculpture Chairman
31 Dogwood Drive
Baxley, Ga 31513
Scale of Points: (total 100)
- Creative use of materials and self-expression - 60 points
- Description of sculpture and materials use - 30 points
- Craftsmanship and techniques - 10 points