Month: August 2023

St Mary's Garden Club Africa Violet Activity August 2023

African Violets Program

Bobbi Johannsen and Carol Hixenbaugh from the Heart of Jacksonville African Violet Society did a...

Oleander August Board Meeting

Oleander August Board meeting was spectacular! Morning Glory GC of Hinesville hosted the meeting at...
A logo of the magnolia district.

Sumter County Federation Project- Wild Adventure Day

The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky, making it...
Franklin's Sunflower Field

Franklin’s Sunflower Field Trip

Sprig N' Dig Garden Club Statesboro (website unavailable)observed National Garden Week by visiting Franklin's Sunflower field...
A woman wearing a yellow hat and holding up a balloon.

The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., Camellia District, and Magnolia District host “Awards and Leadership Workshop” for Garden Club Members on July 13, 2023

Diana Malone, Martha Cobb, Marilyn McDonnel, Lisa Hall, Bess Hartley, Nilsa Summey, Gale Thomas On...