Meet Stonecrest Garden Club

Redbud District‘s Newest Club

The Stonecrest Garden Club became Redbud’s newest club on June 27, 2023.  With twenty-three members, the club is ready to make a positive impact in city of Stonecrest.  Serving as mentors to the new club are the members of the nearby Conyers Garden Club.

Originating from a community garden studies group led by the City of Stonecrest Naturalist, Sheldon Fleming, the group voted to become a federated garden club in May and joined the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. in June.  The club is proud to have Mr. Fleming as a founding member of the club. The newly elected officers are geared up and ready to move the club into a successful transition from garden studies to more active garden club activities and additional educational opportunities. After the first official club meeting, the members are excited and ready to get started with civic projects of beautification, conservation, and education.  Plans are in place  to work over the summer months to develop 2023-2024 club activities and projects, with a focus on highlighting the benefits of gardening in the Stonecrest community.

A group of people holding flowers posing for a picture.
Stonecrest Garden Club was mentored by the Redbud District and became a full fledged member club in June of 2023!