Garden Week in Georgia and National Garden Week
GCG clubs are encouraged to observe Garden Week in Georgia. Plant a tree, a garden, provide floral designs for the courthouse or conduct a public program.
Garden Week in Georgia is usually held the third full week in April. The Georgia Department of Economic Development is partnering with GCG to encourage tourism by promoting garden tours and gardening events during this week. Advertise Garden Week in Georgia at your local nurseries, grocery stores, library and churches.
- Organize public or private gardens open for tours during garden week. Advertise Garden Week on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Involve school children in the week's events—plant flowers at the school.
- Take flowers and a poster to the local library, town council, etc.
- Hold a home and garden tour.
- Be a docent at a garden tour, hold a plant sale, have an antique show, a book signing, host a lecture, hold an art workshop in the garden, promote your town's local flower during Garden Week, produce a segment on local television, or one for the local paper.
- Be sure to take photos of all your activities!
- Proclamation Template - Word document that you can download to use if you wish your Mayor or City Council to proclaim Garden Week in GA.
- Printable Flyer - To post in your community and on your social media pages.
Remember to take photographs of any activities your club does that week to promote Garden Week in Georgia. Your club gets credit on the annual Club President's report for participation.
You can also apply for Award # 60 [A state certificate may be awarded for the best overall promotion of Garden Week in Georgia. Entry must show at least two activities. Some suggestions for activities include: local garden tours, club members’ tour to university or state botanical garden, garden tea sponsored by a club in an historic or nursing home, preparing floral arrangements for nursing home residents, any gardening activity with special needs children or adults, photos of yard of the month in the local newspaper, or proclamation of local or county government.]
If you have questions, contact Chairman Debbie Vann at [email protected]
National Garden Week
GCG also actively supports NGC's sponsorship of National Garden Week which is held the first full week in June of each year. Check out NGC's program, proclamations and publicity here.