Tea + Tour @ SACGC in Savannah
The Savannah Area Council of Garden Clubs (SACGC) Inc. gave a Camellia Tour at the Savannah Botanical Gardens, along with Hot Apple Cider presented by Ron and Belinda Jacob who belong to the Camellia Society and who are wonderful care takers of the Camellia Garden for us. Thank you Ron and Belinda!
Afterwards, our Farmhouse was open for tours by Irene Michaels and a delicious Tea given by Windsor Forest Garden Club headed by President Elizabeth Watts who is also the SACGC, Inc. President. Trish Lawrence who is the Oleander District Director-Elect was in attendance. It was Elizabeth’s idea to have this wonderful day! Kay Jones and Maia Petty were her busy helpers. Thank you Elizabeth, Kay and Maia! Thank you to all who attended our Tour and Tea.
Pictures: Ron and Belinda Jacob, Tea Refreshments, and Trish Lawrence